Friday, February 19, 2010

More Photos of Gothic Cottage

More Photos of Gothic Cottage

Here are many photos taken in December 2009 that show the seriously deteriorated consition of the building taken when SUN accompanied Code Enforcement inside on December 15, 2009 (first 24 photos taken by SUN, the rest taken by Code.)

Some of the mess is just that - mess, and a lot of wha is shown to be deteriorated and ruined are later insertions - 2 x 4 separation walls, 1950s style paneling and the like. Many original details including floor sections, moldings and the spiral stair are intact.

Still, there is much damage in walls and ceilings and most significantly in the foundation. It appears that the foundation would have to be substantially rebuilt - though it is not clear from the pictures whether the deterioration is under all the foundation or just the newer additions.

Certainly, this project would have to include all new mechanical systems...

It seems to me the first thing to do before demolishing the building in toto, would be for the city to bring in a dumpster and authorize the volunteer clearance of debris as has been done ath the Pike Block. This would surely facilitate good documentation of building - something that need to be done in any case and that the SLPB will certainly require. It would allow the some experts to get in there to look the entire building and determine how difficult any project would be - and how costly in materials and labor.

All this assumes permission would be granted by the church which owns the building.

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