This blog is about architecture, urbanism, neighborhoods, historic preservation and other elements of the physical environment(s) of Central New York, including Syracuse and its many surrounding towns, villages, farms and natural features.
Westcott's England Walking Tour Saturday June 1st at 1 pm
Sundays on a Saturday!
Join me Saturday June 1 from 1 om to 3 pm for the last of this
spring's Westcott neighborhood history and architecture walking tours
as we tackle Westcott's England: those streets south of Euclid that
sound like they came from the War of the Roses: Westminster, Buckingham,
Kensington, Lancaster.
There is one big hill - so wear good walking shoes.
We start from the Westcott Community Center at Westcott and Euclid.
The tour is free, sponsored by thew Westcott Neighbor hood Association with support form UNSAAC.